Iman Sharkie photographed by Sofia Suarez, Art direction & styling by Sarah Bougsiaa.
Words by Sarah Bougsiaa, edited by Jameela Elfaki
Creating a utopia with a blend of cultural elements, this shoot identifies a space where one can be themselves, without abandoning the history that plays a big role in their identity. Exploring a unique feeling of comfort…free of shame, free of guilt, free of all the preconceived ideas of how one should be. A space where there is no place for prejudice or gender roles. An inclusive space that looks at you as an individual with your own personality, your own thoughts and your own way of interacting with reality.
Iman Sharkie photographed by Sofia Suarez, art direction & styling by Sarah Bougsiaa.
Iman Sharkie photographed by Sofia Suarez, art direction & styling by Sarah Bougsiaa.
As women of diaspora we identify with the narrative around our individual backgrounds, however we can never fully relate to it since we also carry the influence of the Occident. This isn’t an unknown subject within our community anymore. However, it’s important to continue speaking about the new inclusive and diverse cultures, which eliminate the battle of identities within us. A battle where we feel obligated to define ourselves in context of our “many homes” and fixed gender roles.
Iman Sharkie photographed by Sofia Suarez, art direction & styling by Sarah Bougsiaa.
At the end of the day you don’t have to be 0 or 180. You are allowed to be whatever you feel in between and beyond. Whether it’s Moroccan or Spanish, Libyan or Polish, Egyptian or British, or both or none. Woman or man, or both or none.
The creative team for this project consists of three artists from the diaspora:
Sarah Bougsiaa - Multidisciplinary artist of Libyan-Polish origin, based in Barcelona. My focus is on exploring diasporic culture and beyond - through photography, filmmaking, fashion and music projects.
"A pursuit to re-define one's identity in times where the concept of belonging and home generates confusion. A conscience that dissolves any social borders, resists stereotypes and celebrates the surrounding diversity in a world where we are becoming disconnected from one another." @serah.boom ,
Iman Sharkie - Web developer of Moroccan origin, raised in Spain.
"I was born in a traditional Moroccan home in one of the most open minded cities in the world and from an early age I’ve ‘categorised’ myself whenever I’ve struggled to form a sense of identity, when in fact all I needed was to get rid of the tendency to define myself." @imansharkie
Sophia Suarez - photographer from Bolivia/Spain, based in Barcelona, who explores the notion of identity through the lense of Psoriasis, with which she was diagnosed with at 8 years old.
“Skin is strength, sexuality, sensitivity, but above all freedom. Visual and emotional freedom, without terms that can delimit or reduce it, your skin is what it wants to be and I just want to observe it as it is." @sofisuars , @isdermis
Styling Credits: Lacomedi, Adidas, Puma Fabrics and art items - Libya & Morrocco